Jennifer Wicker Returns to the Spotlight


It was a desperately cold night in February 2015. Snow was falling as then 32 year-old Jennifer Lynn Wicker pushed her weeks-old infant across O'Neal Bridge in the storm in order to make it to the Regal Inn Motel on Nathan Boulevard. Once there, she wobbled from room to room seeking cocaine, once even tossing her son into the snow as the stroller tipped.

When police arrived, they found a very sick little boy in a filthy diaper and an inebriated Wicker who resisted arrest. Sheffield authorities eventually managed to take the young woman to jail and place her son in DHR custody. She was charged with child abuse, among other things, and given probation.

At the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018, Wicker was missing for ten weeks. She returned home to a new arrest warrant. More arrests followed in 2020 and 2021. Now the currently 38 year old Wicker is back in the Lauderdale County Detention Center on new drug charges.

Whatever rehab facilities are in place locally, they are sadly lacking.
